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How P2E gaming could be saved with the right economic model

A stable in-game economy is the white knight of web3 gaming. The key to a sustainable play-to-earn game lies in the right economic model, but nobody has cracked the code. Greg Larson explores how a forgotten currency from 1930s Austria could provide the answer.

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What luxury travel sees in blockchain – and why DayAway embraced the NFT

Hospitality loyalty programmes are often hindered by friction and fragmentation. DayAway aims to fix this by giving their holders access to a plethora of luxury hotels and experiences through a single membership. And with innovative email-based token-gating, members won't even need a crypto wallet to use it.

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How marketing DAOs are reinventing the web2 marketing agency

In search of more autonomy and earning power, the best marketers end up working for themselves. Marketing DAOs offer an innovative middle ground.

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What Audius did differently to make 7 million people care about music on the blockchain

CEO and co-founder of Audius, Roneil Rumberg is building a music streaming platform that connects artists and fans directly. He speaks to Megh Duwadi about the streamer and why web3 is the right place to inject a sense of community into the music scene.

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Spexi: building a fly-to-earn drone economy

Bill Lakeland has long dreamt of building a network of drones to capture important earth imagery. He’s using the blockchain to bring his vision to life. Randy Ginsburg dives into Spexigon, the fly-to-earn platform bringing a new model to the aerial imagery industry.

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Mona opens the door to a new medium for architecture

Mona's aim has always been to empower creating, collecting, and sharing virtual experiences at the intersection of the metaverse, extended reality, and blockchain. Nina Knaack speaks to co-founder Justin Melillo about the evolution his platform and why virtual experiences are worth getting excited about.

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Why Op3n think they've cracked the code for the super app to make blockchain mainstream

Can bundling everything NFT creators need into a single app help make mainstream adoption a reality? Op3n wants to make it easy for anyone to create an engaging community in web3. Randy Ginsburg explores what it might look like.

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Diving into Golden: using web3 to equip the world with all the knowledge it needs

Wikipedia is one of the world's greatest examples of human collaboration. But it's not without its flaws. By giving contributors ownership of their contributions, Golden lets them profit from their insight and wants to offer knowledge on every topic that world needs. Ekin Genç speaks to Jude Gomila about how he's building it.

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Downstream: the start-ups curating our future web3 music experience

“NFT marketplaces revolve around the idea of holding, or flipping, or all sorts of financial transactions. But when I talk to people, that's not what they're excited about – they're excited about the art.” From payments to engagement, a new generation of streaming platforms are moving the web3 music industry forward. Clovis McEvoy surveys the ecosystem.

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